Our Partners
QuickCARE CLINCs and wellness
We can’t go without thanking our friends and partners at Quickcare Clinics and Wellness. Located in the city of Kampala Uganda, is Quickcare. Started and run by Doctor Umal Ssekubuge, who is one of our biggest and most dedicated partners. Dr Ssenkubuge has a vision for medicine that is unseen other places in Uganda? How? Because he cares about the patients, not just the paycheck. More than just a Dr and surgeon, Umal is a medical missionary, with a heart to help those who can’t afford medical care. Not only that, but Dr Umal is heading up the first-ever First Response system in Uganda, and is currently training 150 Ugandan doctors to be first responders. You can see why we value this partnership so much! If you want to donate specifically to Dr Umal’s mission, please be sure to choose the Dr Umal option in the Sponsorship Form dropdown box!
Timothy Kawuma and Fortress Primary School
We are happy to announce our partnership with Timothy Kawuma In the construction and operation of Fortress Primary School. Significant progress has already been made. The land is fully prepared and ready for development, and we are actively raising funds not only for the construction of the school building itself but also to cover all necessary operational expenses once the school opens its doors.
True Worship Center JINJA
Located in the Walukuba division of Jinja, Uganda; True Worship Center Jinja is not only our Founder and CEO’s home church in Uganda, but also one of our most valuable and important partners. Founder and Head Pastor Bishop Robert Sityo is our Ugandan Spiritual Advisor for Beauty For Ashes All Nations, and a personal friend of our founder. From worship night collaborations and staffing assistance, to prayer partnership, friendship, and family; Bishop Sityo and True Worship Center Jinja are an huge help in everything that we do at Beauty For Ashes All Nations.
Knowing Christ. Growing Together. Making Him known.
(Pictured are many of the True Worship Center family.)
Break the chains of addiction.
(A Prayer Circle at Arukah House Kampala)
Arukah House KAMPALA
During our trips, we spend some time at Arukah House, Kampala. Their Drug Rehab Center provides a beautiful, serene atmosphere conducive to spiritual reflection and Christian Recovery. By applying Christian principles, their faith-based rehabilitation program helps people effectively overcome the destructive power of alcohol and drug addiction.
All Christian Fellowship Mission Mbale
ACFM is a local Ugandan church that Beauty for Ashes All Nations partners with in numerous way, to spread the gospel.
The sound of abundance.
(Pictured is CEO Laura Lytle, with Joseph and Bena Odongo, Founders and Pastors of All Christian Fellowship Mission in Mbale, Uganda; along with several of the church congregants.)
Bride of christ church Soweto
Bride of Christ church is located in Soweto, and Beauty for Ashes All Nations partners with them in numerous way, to spread the gospel.
Glory and praise, honor and strength. Worthy is The Lamb of God.
(Pictured is Laura Lytle leading worship at Bride of Christ Church in Soweto.
"Now all glory to God,
who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
Eph 3:20
(Picture from a Beauty For Ashes All Nations worship night, at Mpumudde High School, Jinja], Uganda.)
Located in the city of Jinja Uganda, Hope Medical Link is one of valuable partners. Founded and run by Dr Sam Ochung, a Ugandan National; Hope Medical Link provides our mentorship participants and their families with regular medical check-ups and emergency care services.